At Safety Services, Inc, we believe there is a better way to procure PPE. A specialized, streamlined approach that supports your safety culture and delivers cost containment. We call it Safety Simplified. In a world full of unique challenges fulfilling your organization’s safety needs...
From humble beginnings as a mother/son team selling work boots and gloves out of a service truck in South Florida, Ritz Safety has grown into a leading national distributor of safety products, personal protective equipment (PPE) and facility safety solutions, with hundreds of team members across...
E.A.R. Inc. (Insta-Mold Western Headquarters) was originally developed by Garry G. Gordon, M.S. (Audiologist) and his advisors in 1971, to support the needs of major corporations attempting to comply with state and federal regulations regarding noise. We are celebrating our 48th anniversary of...
The HEAROS Ear Plug brand has a 24 year tradition of trust, excellence and quality. HEAROS is a leading brand in the retail sector being offered through most of the major retailers. Identifying an opportunity to provide innovation to serious ear plug users, HEAROS invested in its own ear plug...
Since 1970 Insta-Mold Products, Inc. has been the leading manufacturer and supplier of instant silicones for the hearing health industry for custom earplugs and ear molds made on-site in hospitals, clinics, and doctor's offices. Today, Insta-Mold brings its expertise directly to the...
Arbill is a premier North American provider of industrial safety products, compliance training services and safety programs that build a culture of safety for businesses across their organizations. Arbill provides gold-standard products from best-in-class manufacturers and we manufacture a...
Custom Protect Ear Inc. Custom Protect Ear makes dB Blocker hearing protection - "the smartest hearing protection in the world". We are committed to making a difference reducing and/or eliminating the effects of noise on hearing of those we serve. Our products are egalitarian, environmentally...
Sonova USA Inc's success to date can be attributed to how we have built upon our group companies already high level of hearing technology expertise, and combined this with our ongoing independent research and product development to create a full range of wireless communication and hearing...
Tasco Corporation is a manufacturer of head, hearing and face protection products, including earmuffs, earbands, and earplugs, hard hats, face shields, and personal attenuation.
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