Pest Control Products Compare 8 Companies

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Electrocuting Insect Light Traps (ILTs): Place wall mounted ILTs down low to best catch day-flying insects like the housefly. Ceiling traps will catch flies; but it is the fly's nature to be below five feet high (even skimming the floor) when they are most responsive to ILTs. Generally speaking, the lower you place a trap, the more...
Learn more about Electrocuting Insect Light Traps (ILTs)

Spectronics Corp stands at the forefront of UV technology and fluorescent leak detection, being recognized as the world's leading manufacturer and pioneer since 1955. Harnessing the power of ultraviolet lamps and our proprietary fluorescent dyes, we offer unmatched solutions for pinpointing...

We are a business-to-business company that serves the industrial, commercial, institutional, government and facility markets worldwide. REVERE’s line of high quality products for concrete, roofing and flooring repair have kept our valued customers coming back.

Premium Nixalite® Bird Spikes: Nixalite's Premium Stainless Steel Bird Barrier Spikes provide effective and humane control for pest birds and climbing animals on all types of surfaces. Effective for all birds including sparrows, starlings, mud swallows, black birds, pigeons, crows, seagulls and vultures. When installed as...
Learn more about Premium Nixalite® Bird Spikes

Bird•B•Gone is a leading manufacturer of bird deterrents and is dedicated to solving pest bird problems. The business of Bird Control is constantly changing and is loaded with products and services with varied successes as bird barriers. Because Bird-B-Gone is only involved with bird control, it...

You have found the #1 bird exclusion, bird control and bird deterrent company in the country. No Fly Zone, Inc. (“NFZ”) has been providing bird exclusion, bird control and bird deterrent services to residences, corporations, marinas, government, healthcare and the transportation industry for...

Seabright Laboratories designs and manufactures high quality insect traps, insect trapping adhesive, roach control systems and humane mouse traps. Our pest adhesive, Stikem Special, as well as our ready to use insect traps, are highly effective, non-toxic, and easy to use.