Flexclean #8301 Highly
Concentrated Electrostatic Cleaner
A Highly Concentrated Electrostatic Cleaner that removes dirt rapidly by breaking the electrostatic bond between the soil and the hard surface. Flexclean is non-caustic, contains no Ammonia, Butyl or Methylene Chloride. Flexclean is biodegradable, non-toxic and ph controlled. It is 100% effective in hard, soft, hot, or cold water. Flexclean is safe to use on all washable surfaces. Helps prevent emulsification of grease into slippery residue on the floor or tub. It actually repels soil and grease.
Flexclean can be used to clean all floor surfaces including; ceramic, marble, mosaic, granite, concrete, terrazzo, porcelain tile, slate, glazed brick, vinyl, wood, painted, etc.
Flexclean can be used to clean bathtubs, shower stalls and other washable surfaces. Flexclean is highly recommended to use to clean surfaces that have been rendered slip resistant with No Skidding Anti Slip Floor Treatment. An excellent cleaner for stainless steel and glass.
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