Conveyor Components Company

130 Seltzer Road, P.O. Box 167
Croswell, MI 48422-9180

About Conveyor Components Company

Since 1965, Conveyor Components Company is a manufacturer of quality engineered conveyor accessories including emergency stop switches and pull cords, safety devices, belt mis-alignment switches, bucket elevator alignment switches, damaged belt detectors, belt rip detectors, bulk material flow switches, motion controls and zero speed switches, level controls including rotating paddles and tilt switches, aeration pads, skirtboard clamps, a rotary brush style belt cleaner as well as a wide variety of other conveyor belt cleaners.

Competitors of Conveyor Components Company

Ritz Safety

Ritz Safety

From humble beginnings as a mother/son team selling work boots and gloves out of a service truck in South Florida, Ritz Safety has grown into a leading national distributor of safety products, personal protective equipment (PPE) and facility safety solutions, with hundreds of team members across... Read More

Air Technical Industries (ATI) has grown and prospered as a leading manufacturer of material handling and automated equipment. At ATI, we use the latest technology, newest equipment, and have a dedicated personnel to produce the finest quality material handling equipment in the entire industry! Read More

Valley Craft Inc

Valley Craft, a family-owned company based in Minnesota and founded in 1953, has become a renowned world-class manufacturer specializing in Material Handling, Drum Handling, and Storage Solutions. Our unwavering commitment to excellence in product design, manufacturing, and customer satisfaction... Read More