EMDEX Magnetic Field Meters

Available from Enertech Consultants Inc
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Enertech Consultants manufactures the EMDEX line of electric and magnetic field (EMF) meters which are used 59 countries around the world. Our EMDEX product line includes the EMDEX II and LITE recording meters, as well as the EMDEX SNAP and EMDEX MATE survey meters. All EMDEX meters are three-axis magnetic field meters. The EMDEX II meter can also measure electric fields with an E-PROBE accessory or current using an AMP-LOGGER accessory. The EMDEX II meter can be used in conjunction with a LINDA measurement wheel accessory to record magnetic field as a function of distance. A smaller and lighter magnetic field recording meter is the EMDEX LITE, which is often used for personal dosimetry measurements. The EMDEX LITE records magnetic fields at preset sampling periods and has a very long battery life. The EMCALC analysis software program comes with the EMDEX II and LITE meters to provide easy downloading of measurement data for graphing and statistical analysis. For survey measurements, the EMDEX SNAP and EMDEX MATE magnetic field meters provide instantaneous field measurements. Each EMDEX meter is available in different field ranges and measurement resolution. Enertech operates and calibrates all EMDEX instrumentation within their electronics laboratory equipped with calibration equipment traceable to NIST. Enertech also provides software and consulting services for calculating EMF from power lines and other electrical facilities. For more information, visit www.enertech.net.

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