R B Industries

P.O. Box 4734
Greensboro, NC 27404-4734

About R B Industries

The Ladder Gate Climb Preventive Shield controls access to fixed ladders on tanks, towers, buildings and other high structures. The patented design of the Ladder Gate is effective in keeping unauthorized people from climbing such towers, to control vandalism and eliminate injuries. Ladder Gate is made of maintenance free aluminum with hot dipped glavanized hardware, and is easily installed.

Competitors of R B Industries

Apollo Safety, Inc.

Apollo Safety, Inc.

Apollo Safety has been serving the safety industry since John and Tracy Carvalho started the business in February 1995. Apollo has grown to be the leading safety and technical services equipment provider in New England and serving by courier across the United States. Apollo Safety... Read More

Safety Services Inc

Safety Services Inc

At Safety Services, Inc, we believe there is a better way to procure PPE. A specialized, streamlined approach that supports your safety culture and delivers cost containment. We call it Safety Simplified. In a world full of unique challenges fulfilling your organization’s safety needs... Read More

Ritz Safety

Ritz Safety

From humble beginnings as a mother/son team selling work boots and gloves out of a service truck in South Florida, Ritz Safety has grown into a leading national distributor of safety products, personal protective equipment (PPE) and facility safety solutions, with hundreds of team members across... Read More