Q-EHS - Dashboard and KPI Analytics

Available from Quantum Compliance LLC
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Q-EHS - Dashboard is a fully integrated BI reporting system that tracks real time EHS compliance and performance statuses for each site (and the corporation as a whole). Accessible on mobile devices, including Smartphones and tablets, it gives you immediate access to critical EH&S business information in a format that simplifies decision making processes and generates sustainability metrics.

Q-EHS - Dashboard draws data from Q EHS as well as other databases, providing unlimited flexibility to develop meaningful Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for operators in the field, EHS coordinators, plant managers, and boardroom directors. This dynamic tool also lets you drill down through hierarchical reports to the source data sets for highly detailed information analysis.


Ability to do "what If analysis
Secure access
Promotes collaborative decision making
Mobile accessibility
Interacts with your charts and provides context to visualizations
Customized dashboard’s layouts

BI Dashboard features include:

A security matrix that allows employees to view only data applicable to their role in the organization
Easy ad hoc report creation
Several formatting options, for complete control over data access and presentation
Sort and filter options: save common filters and convert based on time zones.
Instant report publishing for sharing over the web
Automatic report update schedules
Data exporting to multiple formats

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