PetroWear Flash Fire Resistance Clothing

Available from NASCO Industries Inc
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An unexpected, sudden intense fire caused by the ignition of flammable solids (including dust), liquids, or gases. It is characterized by high-temperature, short-duration, considerable shock waves, and a rapidly moving flame front. This is a very dangerous yet common type of work related fire hazard in the petrochemical and natural gas industry, but can be found in other industries as well.

Survivability of a Flash Fire
The survivability of a flash fire incident is dependant on 2 factors: Age and Burn Severity. Youth and minimal burn injury translate to the highest likelyhood of surviving. Conversely, the older and the more severly burned an individual is, the least likely they are to survive.

Therefore, how do increase your chance of surviving a flash fire incident? Since we cannot control our age, or the age of our workforce, the only way is to provide proper personal protective equipment (PPE). This will significantly reduce the burn severity and increase the chance of surviving.

NFPA 2112 (for work apparel) and ASTM F2733 (for rainwear) work together to set forth minimum requirements to maximize protection for workers.

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