Fire safety involves taking proper precautions to reduce the likelihood of a fire, and also knowing how to react if a fire should occur. Knowing the class of fire, choosing the correct extinguisher, and using proper firefighting techniques are vital during the incipient stage of a fire. A Firewatch is trained to perform these essential duties on the worksite, to identify unsafe work conditions, and to use aggressive fire prevention techniques to reduce or eliminate potential dangers.
Available with an optional Training Kit, Fire Safety & Firewatch serves as a helpful introduction or refresher to proper fire safety procedures, Firewatch responsibilities, and the major hazards associated with performing hot work on the jobsite. The DVD menu separates the featured topics into chapters, ideal for daily safety meetings or behavior-based programs.
Featured Topics:
Classes of Fire
Fire Prevention
Extinguishing a Fire
P.A.S.S. System
Portable Fire Extinguishers
Inspection and Maintenance
Extinguishing Agents and Methods
Hot Work and Hot Work Permits
Responsibilities and Requirements
Atmospheric Testing
Responding to Fire
Incipient Fire Stage
Burn Degrees and First Aid
*Other languages are available depending upon quantity requested.
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