Killarney Metals

710 East Catawba St. Suite A
Belmont, NC 28012

About Killarney Metals

WE CATCH IT ALL! Residential Applications, Commercial Applications, Custom Design, & Fabrication. Drip & Drain Pans! Protect home & business. Killarney Metals products are proudly made in the USA & include the Killarney Metals No Leak+ Guarantee!

Safety has always been a major concern for businesses, particularly in the industrial manufacturing environment. The people at Killarney Metals have always approached their products and services in such a manner as to provide the greatest help to people who make critical decisions that create safe working environments. The ever-changing safety requirements and the importance of keeping coworkers safe from possible injury is a heavy burden to carry. Killarney Metals wants to be your source of relief - we are here for you.

Whether a standard spill kit, part cart or custom large drip pan, Killarney Metals has the capabilities to serve your needs. When you came to our website you found a company dedicated to serving your custom parts requirements. Searching is a difficult process. Let us help you end the search by supplying the highest quality, Made in the USA, spill containment and material handling parts in the market.

Competitors of Killarney Metals

SupplyPro, Inc.

3M offers a comprehensive, diverse portfolio of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) solutions providing respiratory protection, hearing protection, fall protection, reflective materials for high visibility, protective clothing, protective eyewear, head and face protection, welding helmets, and... Read More

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