9 Chemin de Belliere
Vaud, FL 1808

Competitors of EMEX

Safety Jackpot

We started in 1951 as an incentive company. In our almost 70 years, we have helped companies engage employees, create a high level of safety awareness, and dramatically lower workplace accidents. After four decades of motivating people with cash, gift cards, catalog merchandise, and incentive... Read More


Offer your employees a convenient way to move more. Under desk, seated ellipticals made for every body. Regardless of age, body type, ability, or schedule, our connected fitness equipment and digital content offer real solutions for the obstacles people face every day. Read More


The INFICON CMS5000 Monitoring System provides continuous, unattended remote monitoring of water or air. Using GC (gas chromatograph) technology, CMS5000 analyzes and quantifies Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) on-site for accurate results in minutes. The... Read More