hearX Self Test Kit

Available from hearX Group
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Reach more people in more ways. The hearX Self Test Kit is a tablet-based hearing self-test solution for diagnostic assessments outside a sound booth, hearing loss treatment referrals and hearing aid recommendations. A telecare solution that enables virtual audiology appointments counter-side, curb-side or at home, and allows for accurate, contactless audiometry. This comprehensive solution enables pure tone audiometry, speech-in-noise testing, ear risk assessment and digital AI otoscopy for successful hearing aid fitting, without having to see patients in person.

Features include:
- Cost-effective solution leveraging remote and telehealth and offer remote consultations
- Detect conductive hearing loss risk with a 94% accuracy for cases requiring medical assessments
- Integration of video-otoscopy to include eardrum images on patient records
- Easy-to-follow instructions guide patients through the hearing assessment
- Real-time environmental noise warning
- Centralized data management
- Customizable and adjustable protocols
- Facilitate initial assessments and direct adult patients for hearing aid fittings with minimal, or no face-to-face contact

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