Sterilab Solutions, LLC

640 S. San Vicente Blvd. , Suite 350
Los Angeles, CA 90048

About Sterilab Solutions, LLC

Sterilab Solutions provides the Thermo Scientific innovative, indoor air pathogen monitoring solution, the AerosolSense™ Sampler and Renvo™ Rapid PCR test, to detect the Covid-19 virus in congregate settings such as the workplace, schools, and senior living facilities.

Sterilis Solutions remediator reduces biomedical waste volume by up to 80% on site.

Competitors of Sterilab Solutions, LLC

Scientific Dust Collectors®

Scientific Dust Collectors®

Scientific Dust Collectors (SDC) is a division of Venturedyne, Ltd., a large diversified industrial manufacturing corporation with divisions specializing in dust collection, indoor air quality, environmental test chambers, ventilation equipment, metal detectors, and sub-micron laser particle... Read More

A&B Labs

OMEGATM is an established global leader in the technical marketplace, offering more than 100,000 state-of-the-art products for measurement and control of temperature, humidity, pressure, strain, force, flow, level, pH, and conductivity. OMEGA also provides customers with a complete line of data... Read More