FLIR—now as Teledyne FLIR—Teledyne FLIR designs, develops, manufactures, markets, and distributes technologies that enhance perception and awareness. We bring innovative sensing solutions into daily life through our thermal imaging, visible-light imaging, video analytics, measurement and...
The authority in energy testing and management solutions, ETS Lindgren provides RF and magnetic shielding, diagnostic testing, and trouble shooting for an assortment of applications, as well as shielding systems for any purpose. Our team of 750 professionals design and manufacture the...
Manufacturers Representative/ Distributor
Nardalert S3 Personal/Area Monitor: Nardalert S3 is the world's most advanced NIR (Non-Ionizing Radiation) Monitor designed to be used as a wearable or fixed area sensor. It features field replaceable sensors, a large color display and comprehensive user-friendly software. The unit touts a brand-new mechanical design with...
Learn more about Nardalert S3 Personal/Area Monitor
EMDEX II - EMF Meter: EMDEX II - a versatile magnetic field (EMF) survey and recording meter. With three-axis measurement (rather than single-axis meters), the digital display shows the measured magnetic field while recording the values in computer memory. Up to twenty distinct data sets can be collected prior to...
Learn more about EMDEX II - EMF Meter