Ensure your hazmat shipments comply with the latest rules for ground, air, and vessel transport. You can sign up for all three workshops for Complete Multimodal Training.
Ground Workshop (49 CFR)
At Lion's nationally recognized two-day Hazmat Ground Shipper Certification (DOT) Workshop, you will receive two full days of training on the DOT hazardous materials regulations (49 CFR) that apply to all U.S. hazmat shipments. Designed for compliance managers, this workshop covers all aspects of hazmat shipping and provides a simple, systematic approach for applying the rules. And, if you need to ship by air or vessel, this training is essential for understanding the international rules that apply to these modes.
Air Workshop (IATA)
For those shipping hazardous materials by air, Lion offers a special one-day Hazmat Air Shipper Certification (IATA) Workshop. This compliance workshop builds on your 49 CFR knowledge and teaches you the latest hazmat air shipping rules (IATA DGR). You will learn the additional rules for classifying, packaging, labeling, and documenting air shipments.
Vessel Workshop (IMDG)
If you ship by vessel, Lion offers a targeted one-day Hazmat Vessel Shipper Certification (IMDG) Workshop. You will learn the latest changes to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code and the unique rules for vessel transport.
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